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Elizabeth “Betty” Bush

Elizabeth “Betty” Bush

March 20, 1929 ~ November 03, 2023

Elizabeth “Betty” Bush (nee Spallone), 94, of Lake Worth, Florida, passed away in the early morning on November 3, 2023 at her home with family by her side after suffering from complications of a recent fall. Betty was born in Hazleton, Pennsylvania on March 20,1929 to parents Theresa Marie (nee Yuele) and Nicholas Charles Spallone. The untimely death of her mother in 1937 from pneumonia, when Betty was a young 8 years old, resulted in her and her 5 year old brother being mostly raised and educated by the blessed nuns at the local Catholic orphanages. She was eternally grateful to Sister Assumpta at The Most Precious Blood School who graciously helped her through the grief of losing a mother at such a young age. Betty would go on to live at the St. Patrick’s Orphanage and School in Scranton, Pennsylvania where in 1947 she graduated. The nuns were kind and instrumental in her being employed in hospitality for the Poconos Resort area businesses. The seasonal nature of her work provided opportunities in South Florida to be employed notably by The Breakers in Palm Beach and The Colonnades Beach Resort in Singer Island. Eventually, she would meet her future husband in 1953 while working at the Ambrose Inn in West Palm Beach where on their first date it was dinner at the Walgreen’s Diner and to watch the movie Houdini at the Carefree Movie Theater afterwards. Elizabeth “Betty” Theresa Marie Rose Spallone and Ralph “RD” Dennard Bush were married on July 5, 1955 in Georgia and started a family. She is preceded in death by her loving husband Ralph and tragically their son Mike Bush in 1976 from a motorcycle accident that produced an unbearable amount of grief for the family. She is survived by her younger brother, Louis Joseph Spallone, 91 (Alyce nee Dozier); her daughters Patricia Yvonne Lentini (Paul), Theresa LaValley, Debbie Williams (Jim Orth); her grandchildren Michael Bush, Rebecca Ortiz (Alex), Anthony Lentini (Paige Netting) and Nickolas Lentini; her great-grandchildren Xandria, Dominic and Sabrina; a reunited daughter put up for adoption from a previous relationship Mary Flaim-Kuntz her daughter and grandchild Tracy Mapes (nee Beibeleheimer) her daughter and great-grandchild Mariah Reph; a special person Melisa “Sissy” Roque, that since she was a baby is much like a loving granddaughter and many nieces, nephews and friends. Betty was dedicated to her work until she had a family and then she became a dedicated mom always showing up for everything. As the kids got older Betty started to work again spending years at Logger’s Run Country Club and Sun Bank where she never met a stranger. During her entire adult life and with all its demands she managed to find time for many of the area bingo halls until very recently. Lately, she was a regular at the St. Matthews Church bingo hall in Lantana where she has many friends. In her final days, Betty would call out her children’s names “Mary, Theresa, Debbie, Yvonne and Mike”, as life slipped away they were the things that truly mattered. May she rest in peace.


Andy&Sharon Chansen - Uncle& Aunt

November 16, 2023, 3:39 pm

Uncle Andy and I are so sorry for your heartfelt loss. Though what a long life with so many joyous years your mom had.

Paul Lentini - Son In-law

November 16, 2023, 10:06 pm


While you have left us all here to carry on about our lives – your departure from this world is not a completed one. For you will surely be in our memories, in our pictures, genealogy and when we say your name.

For you:


A reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians

Love is patient, love is kind.

It is not jealous, is not pompous,

it is not inflated, it is not rude,

it does not seek its own interests,

it is not quick tempered, it does not brood over injury,

it does not rejoice over wrongdoing

but rejoices with the truth.

It bears all things, believes all things,

hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.

If there are prophesies, they will be brought to nothing;

if tongues, they will cease;

if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing.

For we know partially, and we know prophesy partially,

but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

When I was a child, I used to talk as a child,

think as a child, reason as a child;

when I grew up, I put aside childish things.

At present, we see indistinctly, as in a mirror;

but then face to face.

At present, I know partially;

but then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.

The word of the lord.

Betty, no one will argue that you didn’t have a long full life. I really thought you were going to make it to 100 years old. Nothing can erase the memories of loss and tragedy that you experienced in a lifetime. In spite of all these hardships you pushed through with the blessings that you had to carry yourself forward until the end. Well done.

I’ve been trying to find meaning in the some things that were happening, as you were passing from this world onto the next eternal one. I’ve said this before, but not to you in this precise way, that getting married to your daughter Patricia Yvonne was the single best thing I’ve ever done. Having twin boys with her and raising a family is second.

Near the end – you were calling out all your children’s names.

At the end – you wept, as you passed.

Perhaps the sum of a 94 years long life flashed before your eyes in those last moments, as the above reading from St. Paul suggests – to see face to face, to know and be fully known. I think you were overcome with knowing how much you were loved and that there’s so much love here now that you’re responsible for through the gift of life and love. Perhaps fully knowing how much my world revolves around my family was overwhelming and that’s just one daughter.

It’s possible that most of us can never fully appreciate our true impact on others and the power of love and grace. I think it was Betty knowing fully that measure and weeping, as to tell us of her knowing it.

Betty, just know that I will be forever grateful to you and Ralph for having your daughter and my boys be the center of my universe!

God bless you!

Eleanor Lalla - Friend

November 18, 2023, 5:30 pm

Pat, I am so sorry for your loss. Your mom was a beautiful and caring woman with such a big heart. She has to be one of the sweetest Moms I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Her Love ❤️ & Spirit live on through you girls and your kids. She loved and was so proud of you girls. I remember how her eyes would light up whenever one of you were around her. I know it is hard right now, but remember cherish the years and all the good and special times you shared. Prayer to you & your family. Love ❤️ You. I am here should you need anything.

Terri Cunningham Rose - Friend

November 18, 2023, 9:53 pm

Pat I am so sorry for your loss. I remember your mom when we were kids and I lived on 15th Avenue.
May you find peace and comfort during this difficult time. Sending hugs and prayers to you and the family.

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